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longmarch1The plot

In today’s Latin America thorn apart by endless struggle for poverty and survival, the new Eldorado is for million of “peones” the “City.” The film tells the story of a “long march” of one family from a desolate and inhospitable land  to Country’s Capital City in search for a better life. The journey turns into an odyssey. The mother and the daughter must stop at midway while the father alone continues the trip. What the “man” had experienced in the country side in term of humiliation and anguish, is greatly emphasized when he reaches the Capital City. The Metropolis is devastated thorn by a Guerrilla Organization fighting the dictatorial Government. The man finds a job through a friend who is also involved in the struggle for freedom. When this friend  is captured one night by the police, his place in the struggle must be taken by the protagonist of the film.


(Romano Scavolini:Writer, Director & Producer)

(Made for Italian Television)

Director of Photography: Romano Scavolini

Starring: Herita Stern, Hector Spinelli, Luciana Rivas, Enrique Labat, Josè Milton Alanis, William Puente, “Bimbo” Americo Depauli, Emidio Simini, Mario Motta, Alberto Carbone, Alfredo Pucciano, Alejandro Romualdo.

Music: Extracts from: Astor Piazzolla, Daniel Viglietti, Mario Parodi, Prokofiev, Dominguez-El Gringo-Cavour, Iron Butterfly.

Edited by Gabriella Brunamonti

Premier at FESTIVAL OF THE PEOPLE - Florence

B/W - 16 mm. - Shot in Uruguay (Latin America) Released with Subtitles.